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Deadheading Hydrangeas In Summer: How To Keep Your Flowers Blooming

Deadheading Hydrangeas in Summer: How to Keep Your Flowers Blooming

Hydrangeas are a popular choice for gardens because of their beautiful blooms. However, if you want to keep your hydrangeas blooming all summer long, it's important to deadhead them regularly.

Deadheading is the process of removing spent flowers from a plant. This encourages the plant to produce new flowers, and it also helps to keep the plant looking neat and tidy.

In the case of hydrangeas, deadheading is especially important for reblooming varieties. These varieties flower on both old and new wood, so deadheading the spent flowers will encourage the plant to produce a second flush of blooms later in the summer.

When to Deadhead Hydrangeas

The best time to deadhead hydrangeas is when the flowers start to fade. You can usually tell when a hydrangea flower is ready to be deadheaded because it will start to turn brown and dry.

For reblooming hydrangeas, you can deadhead the first flush of flowers as soon as it starts to fade. This will encourage the plant to produce a second flush of blooms later in the summer.

For non-reblooming hydrangeas, you can deadhead the flowers at any time after they have faded. However, if you want to encourage the plant to produce more flowers, it's best to deadhead them as soon as possible.

How to Deadhead Hydrangeas

To deadhead hydrangeas, you will need a sharp pair of secateurs. Make a clean cut just above the flower head, where the stem meets the main branch of the plant.

It is important to make a clean cut when deadheading hydrangeas. A jagged cut can damage the plant and make it more susceptible to disease.

Tips for Deadheading Hydrangeas

  • Wear gloves when deadheading hydrangeas. The sap from hydrangeas can irritate some people's skin.
  • Deadhead hydrangeas on a dry day. This will help to prevent the spread of disease.
  • Dispose of the dead flowers properly. Do not compost them, as the seeds can germinate and become weeds.

Benefits of Deadheading Hydrangeas

There are several benefits to deadheading hydrangeas. These include:

  • Encourages the plant to produce new flowers
  • Keeps the plant looking neat and tidy
  • Prevents the spread of disease
  • Reduces the risk of attracting pests


Deadheading hydrangeas is a simple but important task that can help to keep your plants blooming all summer long. By following these tips, you can ensure that your hydrangeas are healthy and beautiful for years to come.

Deadheading Hydrangeas in Summer

Deadheading hydrangeas in summer is an important step in keeping your plants healthy and blooming all season long. When you deadhead, you remove the spent blooms, which encourages the plant to produce more flowers. It also helps to prevent the spread of diseases and pests.

There are a few different ways to deadhead hydrangeas. You can use a pair of sharp secateurs to cut the spent blooms off at the base of the stem. Or, you can pinch them off with your fingers.

The best time to deadhead hydrangeas is in the summer, after the first flush of flowers has faded. However, you can also deadhead them in the spring, before the second flush of flowers blooms.

If you're not sure when to deadhead your hydrangeas, or if you're not sure how to do it, you can always visit Garden Wiki for more information. This website has a comprehensive guide to deadheading hydrangeas, as well as other helpful tips for growing and caring for these beautiful plants.

FAQ of deadheading hydrangeas in summer

Q: What is deadheading?

A: Deadheading is the process of removing spent blooms from a plant. This helps to encourage new growth and flowering, and it also keeps the plant looking tidy.

Q: When should I deadhead hydrangeas in summer?

A: You can deadhead hydrangeas in summer anytime after the flowers have finished blooming. However, the best time to do it is right after the flowers have faded. This will give the plant the best chance to produce new blooms.

Q: How do I deadhead hydrangeas?

A: To deadhead hydrangeas, simply pinch or snip off the spent blooms. Be sure to cut them back to where they meet the main stem.

Q: What are the benefits of deadheading hydrangeas in summer?

A: There are several benefits to deadheading hydrangeas in summer. These include:

  • Encourages new growth and flowering
  • Keeps the plant looking tidy
  • Prevents the spread of diseases
  • Attracts pollinators

Q: Should I cut the dead stems off my hydrangeas?

A: No, you do not need to cut the dead stems off your hydrangeas. The plant will naturally shed these stems in the fall. However, if you want to tidy up the plant, you can cut the dead stems back to the ground.

Image of deadheading hydrangeas in summer

5 different images of "deadheading hydrangeas in summer" from Pinterest:

  1. Deadheading hydrangeas with shears.Image of Deadheading hydrangeas with shears
  2. Close-up of deadheads being removed from hydrangea flower.Image of Close-up of deadheads being removed from hydrangea flower
  3. Hydrangea bush with deadheads removed, showing new flower buds.Image of Hydrangea bush with deadheads removed, showing new flower buds
  4. Hydrangea bush in full bloom, after deadheading.Image of Hydrangea bush in full bloom, after deadheading
  5. Gardener deadheading hydrangeas in summer.Image of Gardener deadheading hydrangeas in summer

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